Make Camp Possible for Kids
Every kid should have access to camp
$16,730 raised
$15,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Make camp possible for kids today!
We believe Camp is a life shaping opportunity that every kid should have. We believe in this so deeply that we do not turn away a camper if they cannot afford a week of camp. Scholarships are given out based on need and an application process but ultimately kids need to be able to get away from the distractions and pressures of each day and have a chance to be a kid, to play, to be surrounded by a great cabin full of peers with solid leaders that take them on fun adventures throughout the day. Camp is where campfires are memory makers. Camp is where cabin time allows for conversations that don't often happen at home at bedtime. Camp is where kids begin to articulate who they without all the buzzing and beeping of texts, tweets, posts, snapchats and more... Camp is where people chat... face to face.
Make a week of camp possible today by partnering with us. Send a kid to Tall Timber this summer and donate today.